Keeper & Trustee of Guardian Art
The Executive Director of the Guardian Saga is the Keeper and Trustee of the Guardian Art Ministry, Great Owl Lightning . Guardian Art is an ancient tradition that is passed down from our Elder Nxgakaan Kaanet Clan which bestows bundle Keeper status of Guardian Art to protect and pass on this art to the next generation. Guardian Saga is one of the important ways how we keep this sacred art alive.
Great Owl Lightning
Great Owl Lightning is a member of the Raven Clan of the Anishinabek Nation, a native speaker of the Anishinaabemowin language, and is the Kaanet Bundle keeper of the Guardian Art. He was born in Mountain View, California and grew up all around the world. Great Owl has had a number of influential indigeneous teachers and mentors, but none more so than his grandmother, a highly regarded clan member throughout California. As a Keeper of Guardian Art, Great Owl opened up the first Guardian Art school in 2004 has been teaching youth since ever since, as well as developing curriculum, and running not-for-profit outreach programs and workshops for youth in tribal communities throughout North & South America.