Frequently Asked Questions
What is Guardian Art?
Guardian Art is an ancient First Nations training discipline and fighting art that incorporates self-defense, obstacle course movement, and indigenous cultural teachings and ceremonies. Our physical practice instills strength, agility, creativity, and coordination, while our cultural teachings emphasize mindfulness, appreciation, and our connection with one another and our Earth. Passed from master to apprentice across thousands of years, Guardian Art is deeply rooted in Native American heritage, but is a practice that can offer physical and mental benefits for anyone, from any background.
Is Guardian Art and Guardian Saga only for people with First Nations ancestry?
No, not at all, we welcome and encourage people of all backgrounds to learn this art and be part of our saga. While the ancient discipline of Guardian Art has been passed down through the traditions of indigenous peoples of North & South America, it incorporates vital teachings in physical agility, mindfulness, and creativity that benefit everyone.
Furthermore, we believe that to be in harmony with the life force that unites us all it is important to honor both the land where you are, as well as the land where you are from. In this spirit, at Guardian Saga we believe deeply in preserving and honoring the cultural heritages indigenous to our North & South American continents, and also in honoring the diverse ancestry of its many inhabitants. Our dream is to help the next generation of youth appreciate the richness of our collective heritage and to become thoughtful leaders that think and act for all human beings and for the nurturement of our earth.
What makes Guardian Art different from other activities like martial arts, gymnastics, or parkour?
In addition to its deep roots in indigenous Native American culture, some of the things that set Guardian Art apart from other physical training programs are: our emphasis on adaptability rather than muscle memory, our commitment to teamwork and community, and our guardian philosophy.
Instead of using rote repetition and muscle memory to achieve skill mastery, we focus on teaching kids to adapt their skills and movement to changing environments. We incorporate obstacle courses, using blindfolds, and other physical challenges while learning ancient fighting skills. This results in more creative movement and more fun, and also a more dynamic athleticism and a mindset of resilience, both in and outside the gym.
Another difference is how teamwork and community are fundamental to our program. In addition to learning individual skills of agility and resilience, our students learn to work collaboratively with partners and as part of a larger team to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. These teachings build on one another, so that in our more advanced levels, or clans, our students become experts not just in the fighting arts and acrobatics but also in leading outdoor adventures and community service.
Last, and perhaps most importantly, what makes Guardian Art unique is our philosophy and code of honor. While the foundation of Guardian Art is an ancient fighting discipline, our goal is not to train warriors to conquer and dominate but to train guardians who apply their skills to protect life and create paths for all to thrive. This philosophy is practiced in everything we do, from the fighting, to obstacle courses, to our cultural teachings.
Is my donation to Guardian Saga tax deductible?
Yes, donations to Guardian Saga are fully tax deductible. We are a 508(c)1(a) nonprofit foundation under Guardian Art Ministry and our tax ID number is 92-3500196.
I have more questions, how do I get in touch?
We are happy to answer any questions you may have about donating to Guardian Saga, bringing Guardian Saga to your community, and other ways you can get more involved. You can email us at We look forward to hearing from you.